As one partner of the BBEST project, the AALI trained agripreneurs and youth on the rearing of the BSF and the use of the BSF larvae as feed for animal and organic fertilizer for vegetable production. The IITA BBEST through AALI has established the decentralized units for farmers, equipped them with the solar system and the BSF rearing kits to support them to produce their own larvae and organic fertilizer. AALI is conducting research on the use of BSF frass on plants like amaranth and Black nightshade. Experiments are ongoing on the suitability of the different local substrates and the use of the BSF larvae compared to other local substrate.
Welcome to the Black Soldier Fly for Bio-circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability (BBEST) project, a collaborative effort that is transforming the landscape of waste management, animal feed supply, and organic fertilizer production across Africa.