This event aimed to shed light on the imperative process of regulating standards for products derived from the Black Soldier Fly. Encompassing a multifaceted objective, this workshop sought to elevate awareness regarding the standardization and certification procedures for the BSF products in Niger. It also aimed to acquaint participants with the diverse dimensions of the Black Soldier Fly and its associated products.
The key components of this workshop included the presentation of the standardization and certification process by seasoned experts. An integral aspect was the collection of supplementary insights into the intricate steps and procedures inherent in standardizing and certifying the BSF products.
An essential outcome of the workshop was the formulation of a comprehensive guide that would serve as a blueprint for navigating the process of standardization for the BSF products.
Welcome to the Black Soldier Fly for Bio-circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability (BBEST) project, a collaborative effort that is transforming the landscape of waste management, animal feed supply, and organic fertilizer production across Africa.