The IITA-led Project BSF for Bio Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability BBEST has been extended to the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC. A two-day inception workshop was held with partners and stakeholders of the project from January 30 to 31 in the IITA office in Kinshasa to discuss the project's implementation plan and deliberate on activities that will be implemented. This workshop was also an opportunity to promote BSF technology and its products in the country.
During the workshop, the project interim coordinator, Dr Tahirou Abdoulaye made a presentation on the project, its objectives, and activities that will be undertaken under the project. Partners of the project were given the opportunity to talk about their institutions and how they will contribute to the implementation of the project.
Representatives from the Ministry of Environment were present at this important meeting and made contributions to the project and its activities.
The inception workshop gave the opportunity to the project management team, partners, and stakeholders to exchange ideas and brainstorm on how best the project can be implemented in the country to achieve the expected results at the end of the project. The project will be launched in March and start its activities.
Welcome to the Black Soldier Fly for Bio-circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability (BBEST) project, a collaborative effort that is transforming the landscape of waste management, animal feed supply, and organic fertilizer production across Africa.