Dr. Abdoulaye Tahirou, delivered a comprehensive presentation, highlighting the underpinnings of the BBEST project. He eloquently outlined the project's rationale, objectives, and diverse array of work packages. These encompassed the project's implementation sites in Accra, Bamako, Niamey, Bukavu, and Kinshasa. The presentation delved into the diverse range of activities undertaken within each work package, underscoring the dynamic nature of the project's progress and the expected outcomes at the end of the project. He added that the project’s ambition is to present to the cities, models of biowaste management for people to appreciate how profitable and legally feasible it will be. An array of BSF products were showcased at the program. Moreover, Dr. Laouali, an entomologist with the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger, INRAN, informed participants about the experiments conducted with Black Soldier Fly larvae and the results obtained. The ceremony featured a question-and-answer session between participants and speakers. Commenting on the project’s launch, Dr Zoumana expressed his delight at the selection of the DRC as one of the implementation countries for the IITA BBEST project. He stressed the importance of implementing the project efficiently to make it a success, attracting government, mayors, and other donors. The Mayor of Bukavu, Mr. Karumba Zinon, noted in his speech that "the city of Bukavu generates a large amount of solid waste, with a daily production per inhabitant of around 450 grams, half of which is organic. Almost all this waste ends up in the environment and in Lake Kivu". He mentioned that the project represents a great opportunity for the Bukavu town council and pledged his support for its success. The representative of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr. Ngondili, emphasized in his speech that waste management represents a major challenge and an important aspect of environmental sanitation. According to him, the project concerns the valorization of organic waste. He thanked the stakeholders, and financial and technical partners and officially launched the project at the end of his speech. image2.jpg image5.jpg Participants during the launching of the IITA BBEST Project in DRC

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Welcome to the Black Soldier Fly for Bio-circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability (BBEST) project, a collaborative effort that is transforming the landscape of waste management, animal feed supply, and organic fertilizer production across Africa.

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