Evans-George Budimunda

Image of Evans-George Budimunda

Evans-George Budimunda

MEL Assistant

Evans G. Budimunda, a mathematician economist, joined the BBEST project with funding from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) as a Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Assistant in IITA-DRC. He assists the MEL officer by supervising the project partners namely AALI, UNIKIN INERA and beneficiaries' activities in DRC. He undertakes field trips to partners implementing sites to monitor activities on grounds and supports partners through training. With a wealth of experience in data analysis, he collects and keeps the project's data. Before joining the BBEST project, he was the Manager for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) at Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in several projects including project funded by USAID, SIDA in the Democratic Republic of Congo with support to the country program of the Republic of Congo (OFDA). He also worked as a local M&E consultant, as well as a Data Analyst for Organizations such as Adam Smith International, Family Health Association/ Population Services International; FHI 360, Institute for Reproductive Health, etc... Holder of a degree in mathematical economics from the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) since 2008, he speaks French fluently with an average level of English.

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Welcome to the Black Soldier Fly for Bio-circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability (BBEST) project, a collaborative effort that is transforming the landscape of waste management, animal feed supply, and organic fertilizer production across Africa.

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